Drug Repurposing using TigerGraph

On using existing drugs for new purposes.

Drug repositioning (also called drug repurposing) involves the investigation of existing drugs for new therapeutic purposes. Through graph analytics and machine learning applied to knowledge graphs, drug repurposing aims to find new uses for already existing and approved drugs. This approach, part of a more general science called in-silico drug discovery, makes it possible to identify serious repurposing candidates by finding genes involved in a specific disease and checking if they interact, in the cell, with other genes which are targets of known drugs
The discovery of new treatments through drug repositioning complements traditional drug development for small markets that include rare diseases. It involves the identification of single or combinations of existing drugs based on human genetics data and network biology approaches represents a next-generation approach that has the potential to increase the speed of drug discovery at a lower cost.

In this article we show in details how a freely available but real-world biomedical knowledge graph (the Drug Repurposing Knowledge Graph or DRKG) can generate compounds for concrete diseases. As an example, we show how to discover new compounds to treat hypertension (high blood pressure). We use TigerGraph as a backend graph database to store the knowledge graph and the newly discovered relationships together with some graph machine learning techniques (in easy to use Python frameworks).

From a bird’s eye view:

You will also find a list of references and your feedback is always welcome via Twitter, via the Github repo or via Orbifold Consulting.

Drug Repurposing Knowledge Graph (DRKG)

The Drug Repurposing Knowledge Graph (DRKG) is a comprehensive biological knowledge graph relating genes, compounds, diseases, biological processes, side effects and symptoms. DRKG includes information from six existing databases (DrugBank, Hetionet, GNBR, String, IntAct and DGIdb) as well as data collected from recent publications, particularly related to Covid19. It includes 97,238 entities belonging to 13 entity-types; and 5,874,261 triplets belonging to 107 edge-types. These 107 edge-types show a type of interaction between one of the 17 entity-type pairs (multiple types of interactions are possible between the same entity-pair), as depicted in the adjacent image.

The DRKG data is freely available we explain below how you can import the data into TigerGraph.

Creating the schema in TigerGraph

TigerGraph has an integrated schema designer which allows one to design a schema with ease. There is also an API to define a schema via code and since the DRKG schema has lots of edge types between some entities (Compound-Gene has 34, Gene-Gene has 32), it’s easier to do it via code. The method below, in fact, allows you to output a schema for any given dataset of triples.

The end-result inside TigerGraph can be seen in the adjacent picture and is identical to the schema above. The many reflexive edges you see are an explicit depiction of the multiple edge count above.

Generating the schema involves the following elements:

  1. given the triples collection, we loop over each one to harvest the endpoints (aka head and tail) and name of the relation (aka relation or predicate)
  2. the endpoints are in the form “type::id” so we split the string to extract the type and the id
  3. each node type and node id are bundled in entity collection
  4. the names of the relations are cleaned and put in a separate dictionary.

A typical relation name (e.g. “’DRUGBANK::ddi-interactor-in::Compound:Compound”) contains some special characters which are not allowed in a TigerGraph schema. All of these characters are removed but this is the only difference with the initial (raw) data.

Once you have downloaded the dataset you should see a TSV file called “drkg.tsv”. This contains all the triples (head-relation-tail) and it can be loaded with a simple Pandas method:

 import pandas as pd drkg_file = 'drkg.tsv' 
 df = pd.read_csv(drkg_file, sep="\t") 
 triplets = df.values.tolist()  

The triplets list is a large array of 5874260 items.

Next, the recipe above output a string which one can execute inside TigerGraph; a schema creation query.

rtypes = dict() # edge types per entity-couple
entity_dic = {} # entities organized per type
for triplet in triplets:
    [h,r,t] = triplet
    h_type = h.split("::")[0].replace(" " ,"")
    h_id = str(h.split("::")[1])
    t_type = t.split("::")[0].replace(" " ,"")
    t_id = str(t.split("::")[1])

    # add the type if not present
    if not h_type in entity_dic:
    if not t_type in entity_dic:
        entity_dic[t_type] ={}

    # add the edge type per type couple
    type_edge = f"{h_type}::{t_type}"
    if not type_edge in rtypes:
    r = r.replace(" ","").replace(":","").replace("+","").replace(">","").replace("-","")
    if not r in rtypes[type_edge]:

    # spread entities
    if not h_id in entity_dic[h_type]:
        entity_dic[h_type][h_id] = h
    if not t in entity_dic[t_type]:
        entity_dic[t_type][t_id] = t

schema = ""
for entity_type in entity_dic.keys():
    schema += f"CREATE VERTEX {entity_type} (PRIMARY_ID Id STRING) With primary_id_as_attribute=\"true\"\n"
for endpoints in rtypes:
    [source_name, target_name] = endpoints.split("::")
    for edge_name in rtypes[endpoints]:
        schema += f"CREATE DIRECTED EDGE {edge_name} (FROM {source_name}, TO {target_name})\n"

TigerGraph has excellent documentation and you should read through the “Defining a graph schema” topic which explains in detail the syntax used in the script above.

The output of this Python snippet (full listing here) looks like the following

CREATE VERTEX Gene (PRIMARY_ID Id STRING) With primary_id_as_attribute="true"
CREATE VERTEX Compound (PRIMARY_ID Id STRING) With primary_id_as_attribute="true"
CREATE DIRECTED EDGE HetionetCbGCompoundGene (FROM Compound, TO Gene)

You can use this directly in a GSQL interactive session or via one of the many supported languages. As described in the next section, we’ll use Python with the pyTigerGraph driver to push the schema.

Connecting and querying

Obviously, you need a TigerGraph instance somewhere and if you don’t have one around there is no easier way than via the TigerGraph Cloud.

In the AdminPortal (see image) you should add a secret specific to the database. That is, you can’t use a global secret to connect, you need one per database.

Installing the pyTigerGraph drive/package is straightforward (pip install pyTigerGraph) and connecting to the database with the secret looks like the following:

import pyTigerGraph as tg
host = 'https://your-organization.i.tgcloud.io'
secret = "your-secret"
graph_name = "drkg"
user_name = "tigergraph"
password = "your-password"
token = tg.TigerGraphConnection(host=host, graphname=graph_name, username=user_name, password=password).getToken(secret, "1000000")[0]
conn = tg.TigerGraphConnection(host=host, graphname=graph_name, username=user_name, password=password, apiToken=token)

This can be condensed to just three lines but the explicit naming of the parameters is to help you get it right.

If all is well you can test the connection with conn.echo() which returns “Hello GSQL”. With this connection you can now use the full breadth of the GSQL query language.

In particular, we can now create the schema assembled above with this:

    use global
    CREATE VERTEX Gene (PRIMARY_ID Id STRING) With primary_id_as_attribute="true"
    CREATE VERTEX Compound (PRIMARY_ID Id STRING) With primary_id_as_attribute="true"
    CREATE DIRECTED EDGE GNBRZCompoundGene (FROM Compound, TO Gene)
    CREATE DIRECTED EDGE HetionetCbGCompoundGene (FROM Compound, TO Gene)

The content is a copy of the outputted string plus an extra statement use global to generate the schema in the global TigerGraph namespace. It means that the schema elements can be reused across different databases. This feature is something you will not find in any other graph database solution and has far-reaching possibilities to manage data.

To use (part of) the global schema in a specific database you simply have to go into the database schema designer and import the elements from the global schema (see picture).
Note that in the visualization you have a globe-icon to emphasize that a schema element is inherited from the global schema.

Importing the data

The Jupyter notebook to create the schema as well as to import the data can be found here.

TigerGraph has a wonderful intuitive interface to import data but the DRKG schema contains a lot of loops and the raw TSV has the node type embedded in the triple endpoints. One approach is to develop some ETL to end up with multiple files for each entity type and the relationships. The easier way is to use the REST interface to the database:

for triplet in triplets:
    [h,r,t] = triplet
    h_type = h.split("::")[0].replace(" " ,"")
    h_id = str(h.split("::")[1])
    t_type = t.split("::")[0].replace(" " ,"")
    t_id = str(t.split("::")[1])
    r = r.replace(" ","").replace(":","").replace("+","").replace(">","").replace("-","")

    conn.upsertEdge(h_type, h_id, r, t_type, t_id)

The upsertEdge method also creates the nodes if they are not present already, there is no need to upsert nodes and edges separately. This approach is much easier than the ETL one but the hidden cost is the fact that it engenders 5.8 million REST calls. In any case, creating such a large graph takes time no matter the approach.

If you are only interested in exploring things or you have limited resources, you can sample the graph and create a subgraph of DRKG fitting your needs:

amount_of_edges = 50000
triple_count = len(triplets)
sample = np.random.choice(np.arange(triple_count), amount_of_edges)
for i in sample:
    [h,r,t] = triplet
    h_type = h.split("::")[0].replace(" " ,"")
    h_id = str(h.split("::")[1])
    t_type = t.split("::")[0].replace(" " ,"")
    t_id = str(t.split("::")[1])
    r = r.replace(" ","").replace(":","").replace("+","").replace(">","").replace("-","")

    conn.upsertEdge(h_type, h_id, r, t_type, t_id)

One neat thing you’ll notice is that “Load Data” interface in TigerGraph Studio also shows the import progress if you use the REST API. You see the graph growing (to the entity and edge type level) whether you use the ETL upload or the REST import.

Exploration and Visualization

If you wonder how the DRKG graph looks like, the 0.01 ratio of node to edges automatically leads to a so-called hairball. The degree histogram confirms this and like many real-world graphs it exhibits a power-law distribution (aka scale-free network), meaning that the connectivity is mostly defined through a small set of large hubs while the mjority of the nodes has a much smaller degree.

To layout the whole graph you can use for instance the wonderful Rapids library and the force-atlas algorithm or Gephi but you will need some patience and the result will look like the image below.

Taking a subset of the whole graph reveals something more pleasing and if you hand it over to yEd Live you’ll get something like the following

You can furthermore use degree centrality (or any other centrality measure) to emphasize things and zooming into some of the clusters you can discover gene interactions or particular disease symptoms. Of course, all of this is just exploratory but just like any other machine learning task it’s crucial to understand a dataset and gain some intuition.

The DRKG data contains interesting information about COVID (variations). For example, the identifier “Disease::SARS-CoV2 M” refers to “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 membrane (M) protein”
and you can use a simple GSQL query

 CREATE QUERY get_covid() FOR GRAPH drkg {         
     start =   {Disease.*};             
     results = SELECT s FROM start:s WHERE s.id=="SARS-CoV2 M";    
     PRINT results;  

to fetch the data or use the TigerGraph data explorer. The data explorer having the advantage that you can dril down and use various layout algorithms on the fly.

Drug repurposing using Geometric Deep Learning

Graph machine learning is a set of techniques towards various graph-related tasks, to name a few:

  • graph classification: assigning a label to a while graph. For instance, determining whether a molecule (seen as a graph) is toxic or not.
  • node classification: assigning a label to a given node. For instance, inferring the gender in a social network based on given attributes.
  • link prediction (aka graph completion): predicting new edges. For instance, inferring terroristic affiliations based on social interactions and geolocation.

Drug repurposing is a special type of link prediction: it attempts to find edges between compounds and diseases which have not been considered yet. Looking at our DRKG graph it means that we are interested in edges between the Compound and Disease entity types. It doesn’t mean that other edges are of no importance. Indeed, a generic link prediction pipeline will discover patterns between arbitrary entities and one can focus equally well on new Gene-Gene interactions or symptoms indicating possible diseases.

Note that there is are many names out there to denote the same thing. Geometric (deep) learning, graph embeddings, graph neural networks, graph machine learning, non-Euclidean ML, graph signal processing… all emphasize different aspects of the same research or technology. They all have in common the use of neural networks to learn patterns in graph-like data.

On a technical level, there are heaps of frameworks and techniques with varying quality and sophistication. For drug repositioning specifically you will find the following valuable:

  • Deep Purpose A deep learning library for compound and protein modeling.
  • DRKG The data source also contain various notebooks explaining how to perform various prediction on DRKG.
  • DGL-KE Based on the DGL library, it focuses in learning large scale knowledge graphs and embeddings.
  • TorchDrug A framework designed for drug discovery.

These high-level frameworks hide a lower-level of complexity where you have more grip on assembling neural nets but it also comes with a learning curve. More specifically, PyTorch Geometric, DGL, StellarGraph and TensorFlow Geometric are the most prominent graph machine learning framework.

Crafting and training neural networks is an art and a discipline on its own. It also demands huge processing power if you have any significant dataset. In our case, the DRKG graph with its 5.8 million edges will take you days even with GPU power at your disposal. Still, if you want to train a link prediction model without lots of code, we’ll show it the next section how to proceed. Thereafter we’ll explain how you can make use of pre-trained models to bypass the demanding training phase and get straight to the drup repositioning.

Drug repositioning the easy way

Just like there are various pre-trained models for NLP tasks, you can find embeddings for public datasets like DRKG. A pre-trained model for DRKG consists of vectors for each node and each edge, representing the graph elements in a (high-dimensional) vector space (also know as latent space). These embeddings can exist on their own without the need to deserialize the data back into a model, like the rotatE model above. The (node or edge) vectors effectively capture all there is to know about both the way they sit in the graph (i.e. purely topological information) and their payload (attributes or properties). Typcally, the more two vectors are similar, the more the nodes are similar in a conceptual sense. There are many ways to define ‘similar’ just like there are many ways to define distance in a topological vector space but this is beyond the scope of this article.

To be concrete, we’ll focus on finding new compounds to treat hypertension. In the DRKG graph this corresponds to node with identifier “Disease::DOID:10763”.

The possible edges can have one of the following two labels:

allowed_labels = ['GNBR::T::Compound:Disease','Hetionet::CtD::Compound:Disease']

Furthermore, we will only accept FDA approved compounds to narrow down the options:

allowed_drug = []
with open("./FDAApproved.tsv", newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
    reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter='\t', fieldnames=['drug','ids'])
    for row_val in reader:

giving around 2100 possible compounds.

Pretrained models (well, models and graphs in general) don’t work well with concrete names but have numerical identifiers, so one needs a mapping between an actual entity name and a numerical identifier. So, you’ll often find a pretrained model file sitting next to a coupld of dictionaries:

# path to the dictionaries
entity_to_id = './entityToId.tsv'
relation_to_id = './relationToId.tsv'

entity_name_to_id = {}
entity_id_to_name = {}
relation_name_to_id = {}

with open(entity_to_id, newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
    reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter='\t', fieldnames=['name','id'])
    for row_val in reader:
        entity_name_to_id[row_val['name']] = int(row_val['id'])
        entity_id_to_name[int(row_val['id'])] = row_val['name']

with open(relation_to_id, newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
    reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter='\t', fieldnames=['name','id'])
    for row_val in reader:
        relation_name_to_id[row_val['name']] = int(row_val['id'])

allowed_drug_ids = []
disease_ids = []
for drug in allowed_drug:

for disease in what_diseases:

allowed_relation_ids = [relation_name_to_id[treat]  for treat in allowed_labels]

Now we are good to load the pretrained vectors:

entity_emb = np.load('./entity_vectors.npy')
rel_emb = np.load('./relation_vectors.npy')

allowed_drug_ids = torch.tensor(allowed_drug_ids).long()
disease_ids = torch.tensor(disease_ids).long()
allowed_relation_ids = torch.tensor(allowed_relation_ids)

allowed_drug_tensors = torch.tensor(entity_emb[allowed_drug_ids])
allowed_relation_tensors = [torch.tensor(rel_emb[rid]) for rid in allowed_relation_ids]

The entity embedding consists of 97238 vectors, matching the amount of nodes in DRKG. Complementary to this, the relation embedding consists of 107 for the 107 types of edges in DRKG. The hypertension node identifer is 83430 corresponding to “Disease::DOID:10763” label.

The embeddings can now be used with a standard (Euclidean) metric but to differentiate fitness it’s often more convenient to use a measure which penalizes long distances. It’s a bit like molcular interaction forces (the so-called Lennard-Jones potential)where only the short range matters. This scoring measure (shown In the plot below) quickly diverges beyond a threshold which can be set to accept more or fewer drugs. In the context of differential geometry one would speak of curvature as a measure of deficit between two parallel transports. If the deficit vector is within the threshold neighborhood it’s accepted as a treatment, otherwise the score quickly fades to large values. The fact that the score is negative is simply an easy way to sort the results. The closer the score it to zero the more it’s a perfect fit to treat hypertension.

In code this idea is simply this:

threshold= 20
def score(h, r, t):
    return fn.logsigmoid(threshold - torch.norm(h + r - t, p=2, dim=-1))

allowed_drug_scores = []
drug_ids = []
for relation_tensor in range(len(allowed_relation_tensors)):
    rel_vector = allowed_relation_tensors[relation_tensor]
    for disease_id in disease_ids:
        disease_vector = entity_emb[disease_id]
        drug_score = score(allowed_drug_tensors, rel_vector, disease_vector)
scores = torch.cat(allowed_drug_scores)
drug_ids = torch.cat(drug_ids)

Finally, the compound/drugs found are collected and the identifier converted back to actual labels. The result is

Compound::DB00584   -1.883488948806189e-05
Compound::DB00521   -2.2053474822314456e-05
Compound::DB00492   -2.586808113846928e-05

and the most likely candidate is Enalapril (DB00584 is the DrugBank Accession Number) which can be checked as a actual drug to treat hypertension.

You should note that with the code above you only have to alter the disease identifier to extract a prediction for that particular disease. Using the Drug Bank you can look up the Accession Number, if necessary.

Another important things to emphasize is the sheer speed with which predictions are made thanks to the pretrained vectors. In effect, you can hook this up via triggers to automatically make prediction when the knowledge graph is changed. Such a setup would be similar to what one designs for fraud detection and, in general, realtime anomaly detection of transactions. Feeding back the link predictions to TigerGraph is really just a REST call away.


The small amount of code necessary to achieve all this hides a lot of sophisticated machine learning under the hood. To correctly design and train a graph machine learning pipeline on top of DRKG requires, as mentioned earlier, a lot of time and GPU power. Although the knowledge graph contains plenty of valuable information, it’s all topological. That is, the nodes and edges don’t contain any data and a much more refined drug repurposing model would be possible if e.g. molecular properties, symptom details and other data would be included. This would, however, engender the creation of more complext neural net and more data would mean longer training times (more epochs).

There are also a number of non-technical downsides to drug repositioning:

  • the dosage required for the treatment of a disease usually differs from that of its original target disease, and if this happens, the discovery team will have to begin from Phase I clinical trials. This effectively strips drug repurposing of its advantages over classic drug discovery.
  • no matter how big the knowledge graph is, nothing replaces the expertise and scientific know-how of professionals. Obviously, one shouldn’t narrow down the discovery of treatments and compounds to an algorithm. Graph machine learning is an incentive, not a magic wand.
  • patent right issues can be very complicated for drug repurposing due to the lack of experts in the legal area of drug repositioning, the disclosure of repositioning online or via publications, and the extent of the novelty of the new drug purpose. See the article “Overcoming the legal and regulatory barriers to drug repurposing” for a good overview.






  • DRKG The 5.8 million triples a click away.
  • Drug Bank Drug database and more.
  • Clinical Trials ClinicalTrials.gov is a database of privately and publicly funded clinical studies conducted around the world.


  • Deep Purpose A Deep Learning Library for Compound and Protein Modeling
    DTI, Drug Property, PPI, DDI, Protein Function Prediction.
  • DGL Easy deep learning on graphs.
  • TorchDrug Easy drug discovery (and much more).
  • StellarGraph Wonderful generic graph machine learning package.
  • PyTorch Geometric Pretty much the de facto deep learning framework.
  • TensorFlow Geometric Similar to PyTorch, but a bit late to the party (ie. more recent and less mature).


All the files you need are in the Github repo except for the two files containing the pretrained vectors (you can find them here).

Make sure you have Python installed (at least 3.8 and at least 3.9 if you have Apple Silicon) as well as TorchDrug, Numpy and Pandas. Of course, you better have all this in a separate environment.

conda create --name repurpose python=3.9
conda activate repurpose
conda install numpy pandas pyTigerGraph
conda install pytorch -c pytorch
pip install torchdrug
conda install jupyter

Create a free TigerGraph database and for this database create a secret as described above. Check that you can connect to your database with something like this

import pyTigerGraph as tg
host = 'https://your-organization.i.tgcloud.io'
secret = "your-secret"
graph_name = "drkg"
user_name = "tigergraph"
password = "your-password"
token = tg.TigerGraphConnection(host=host, graphname=graph_name, username=user_name, password=password).getToken(secret, "1000000")[0]
conn = tg.TigerGraphConnection(host=host, graphname=graph_name, username=user_name, password=password, apiToken=token)

You don’t have to download the DRKG data if you use the torchDrugModel.py file since it will download it for you. If you want to download the data to upload to TigerGraph, use this file.

The CreateSchema.ipynb notebook will help you upload the TigerGraph schema and the hypertensionRepositioning.ipnb notebook contains the code described in this article.